About Me

Hi there,

Marc Lepage here, your personal freedom finder… Before I get into more personal details about me, I would very politely ask you to ponder and reflect on the following questions:

What is calling you? Do you still have a choice? Is there any going back? Do you want to relaunch yourself? Do you deserve a better life?

Do you want to feel alive again? Do you wish you had done this a long time ago? What are you searching for? 

What is stopping you from saving yourself, finding your confidence, and changing your LIFE?

Now, a little bit more about me :

My life as it exists today is designed and organized the way I like it. I am a father to my six-year-old, a wonderful co-parent with Caroline, a part time special education teacher, an entrepreneur, a change & personal growth coach, a world-class skier, and a lifestyle enthusiast.

I live a life where skiing has become a family winter pass time, and where I get to run my lifestyle, passion and freedom finding coaching business from anywhere in the world (ok, I’m still working on that last, ”Anywhere in the World”, part).

My dreams are important to me, and I keep my PASSION alive when visualizing my awesome future.

But, it wasn’t always like this…

By age 23, I was a high school geography teacher that despised his job. By age 29, with many years of frustration and depression creeping in, I was elected President of my local Union and spent 6 years at the helm of AEFO-Unit 65, where I slowly began to forget all my problems…

By age 36, I had also become First Vice-President of the Provincial Union, I now had a child, and also went back to teaching. Struggles soon began, and choosing had become difficult. 

To take control of things, and turn my life around, I had to reduce my regular workload, get help from professionals, get my HEALTH in check, and start an online business.  

As for personality, I would say I am a kind, and dedicated, passion chaser. I also take pride in my straightforwardness and HONESTY.

I strongly value my family, my DREAMS, my passions, my work, and myself. 

My biggest goal is to be happy in the now, while having a VISION for my future. Even when you dream big, it is very important to remain joyous and content with your present state of being.

My biggest motivation in life is seeing my child grow up and learn. What a fascinating process. She has developed a sense of responsibility, pride, and FEARLESSNESS.

Now at 42, I am a man on a MISSION. A mission to thrive, grow and prosper. 

Becoming the beast :

I grew up in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. A small to medium city, with a population of 46 000. I went to university and obtained bachelor’s degrees in Geography and Education.

After becoming a teacher, Union Leader, a husband, and parents, exhaustion from life started to set in. Coupled with a mid-life CRISIS, and an out of balance way of living, life seemed to be a little out of wack. 

At some point, I felt as if I were aimlessly running around in life. Doing all the things we are all supposed to be doing. I was living in the past and had little vision for the FUTURE. I was going nowhere fast!

I worried a lot! I had broken dreams, anger was building, and TIME was running out. Worst of all, depression and anxiety were knocking at the door.

Once the suffering set in, my body gave me clear signs that it was time for CHANGE.

In the following days, I suddenly become aware of another way. A new path, with new consequences. Better choices could only bring BETTER results.

So I developed my own personal growth regime base on doing the OPPOSITE of everything I knew I had to change. This sent me on my personal growth mission that drives me today as I write these very words.

Your mindset has to be RESET, and you have to believe that it can be done. One baby step at a time.

My focus is now turned to my 90-week (1.86 years) road to WEALTH and HEALTH program. I am presently acquiring the specialized knowledge to go forward and prosper in the industry of Lifestyle, Mindset and Personal Growth coaching.

True transformation comes with long term effort!

My challenges :

Before my transformation, I fell into the regular traps of the world. I got used to my cushy job and cushy life, and I surely did not think I could take the financial RISK to invest in the business world, and start a new career as a life coach.

I seemed to always be short on time. I was falling into all the money TRAPS, the artificial joys, and the pattern of heavy consumerism. 

I was also living in a world of bad habits, limiting beliefs and FEARS of failure. 

Change was needed, and FREEDOM was FOUND.

My pain points:

My suffering was generated by my boss, the system, and societies imposed STRUCTURE. I was convinced that I had no time for life, and my forgotten passions from youth were chewing at my heels and spirit. 

I could only remember a time when I was genuinely happy. I had no motivation and was always feeling stuck, UNSATISFIED, and bored in life.

My last message to you:

I want to assure you that I am in it for the long haul. I hope that you can join me on this journey of discovery and wonder. Self-resilience has to be practiced. Give yourself 90 WEEKS. Improve your life. 

If you have made it this far on this page, you are probably rather similar to me. I hope that I have stated my case and have demonstrated my worth. Remember what is important for you, and CHOOSE accordingly.

Lastly, one of the most important things in life are relationships, and I would like to build one with YOU. 

Marc Lepage

Lifestyle, Passion, and Freedom Finder