Finding Freedom Online Course

In this 36 day Finding Freedom Online Course, you will learn the secrets to change and personal growth. The specific mix of lessons, exercises, and techniques contained in this program will supercharge your results and get you on the way to becoming who you want to be!

In the first four days, you will need to take your control back and find PEACE inside you. Stress reduction and calming the mind will be our first priority. Along with adding meditation in your daily routine, you will be writing a gratitude journal, learning about your different emotional states, Clearing Your Mental Desk, and evaluating your personal values and goals.

When our bodies are in a state of fear, anxiety or simply feeling a sense of overwhelmedness, it becomes essential to correct this a soon as possible. Your body may be running at unstable levels. In this state, the body and mind can disconnect and cause dis-ease and dis-comfort. My goal is to get you back to baseline and for you to start your ADAPTATION process.

In the second phase, you will be equipped with the tools and techniques that activate the process of change,  keep you on your road to PROGRESS, and get you results. Here, it is time to understand what it is to change and use the process effectively.  Along with more meditation, you will be completing various worksheets and exercises such as The Choice Matrix, Bridging The Gap, and The 30 Day Behavior Change Method.

Once your body and mind are calm and focused, it is time to make better choices and start living differently by developing new ABILITIES. In this step, you will learn how to break bad habits, create a better future for yourself and start to change your behavior patterns.

Finally, in this last phase, we are going to set up the correct mindset, the right structures, and a high-performance maintenance plan to maintain your PROSPERITY. Along with even more meditation, you will create your Total Daily Mindset Routine, set up your goals journal, and build your Vision Board Of Prosperity.

Once you acquire the skills of personal growth, it will be time to consistently use your tool and create a better version of yourself.  In this step, you will learn how to harness will power, gain clarity, have a clear vision for your future, and create ABUNDANCE in life.

Join me on this journey towards a life where you can thrive!

Book your Finding Freedom Thrive Call now and reserve your spot now.

The program includes:

-Six recorded live training and one Q&A webinar (about 75 minutes each)

-Access to all recorded training via Private Facebook Group

-Over 20 different tools and exercises that promote change

-Access to the course slide decks with live links to documents

-One free personal Check-in call for additional support

Recommended course schedule:

Day 1: The Finding Freedom Pathway

Day 2: Getting Grounded

Day 5: The Power of Choice

Day 6: Structures and Routines

Day 7: A Vision for the Future

Day 12: Questions & Answers

Day 36:  Post-Operation and your Maintenance Plan

Module 1: The Finding Freedom Pathway

Day one training will cover the following questions:

What is the importance of mindset? Why do we need to maintain a healthy body? How to reduce stress? How to calm the mind? How to reduce fear and anxiety? Why do we need to stay away from certain media outlets? What is change and how does it feel? What are the three most important questions to ask ourselves? What is balance in life and the IKIGAI concept? What can our emotions tell us about our state of being? How to create a better future for yourself and this world? What should I meditate and how does it work?

Tools and exercises for day one:

A Gratitude Journal practice and template (phase one)

Some simple guided YouTube meditations recommendations

The Emotional Guidance Scale concept and theory

The Three Most Important Questions exercise

Drink way more water…

Module 2: Getting Grounded

Day two training will cover the following questions:

Why is the present moment so important? How to stay in the present moment? What is my purpose and what will be my legacy? What is will power and how can I harness it? How to declutter the mind and reduce stress? What is awareness and how does it trigger change? Why are personal values so important? Why do I have to have goals? What results do I want to achieve in life?

Tools and exercises for day two:

Values VS. Goals video

Identifying your Core Values exercise

Clearing your Mental Desk exercise

Segment Intending exercise

More YouTube guided meditations recommendations

20-minute walk per day challenge

Double your veggie and fruit daily intake challenge

Module 3: The Power of Choice

Day five training will cover the following questions:

What are your current challenges and needs in these difficult times? What are your desired outcomes after things settle down? What area of your life needs the most work right now? What is your most important habit to break? How to identify the new choices you have to make? How to use emotions to fuel your motivation? How to determine your new goals? How to work out a new vision for your life? How to decide what steps you should take first? How will my new choices create a different future?

Tools and exercises for day five:

The Choice Matrix exercise

Bridging the Gap exercise

Even more, YouTube guided meditations recommendations

30-day yoga challenge

Keep eating fresh foods and take your daily walks…

Module 4: Structures and Routines

Day six training will cover the following questions:

How do I start my change process or journey? What are the difficulties with change and how can I curb them? How can doing the opposite drastically change my outcomes in life? How do I create a great daily routine? How to maintain a structure? Why trying harder is not necessarily the solution for achieving more? How do I sustain change and thrive in my newly created future? How do I maintain progress and get to prosperity?

Tools and exercises for day six:

A Goals Journal practice and template (phase two)

The 30-day Behavior Change Method exercise

The Total Mindset Daily Routine exercise (TMDR)

Even more, YouTube guided meditations recommendations

Keep eating fresh foods and take your daily walks…

Module 5: A Vision for the Future

Day seven training will cover the following questions:

What is longevity and why should I care? How to build endurance and maintain your determination? How do I maintain my focus on my objectives? How can I assure my success?  Why is having a vision for the future while being happy in the now so important? What is a vision board and how do I create one? How can I get extra help in this process? What if I have more questions?

Tools and exercises for day seven:

A Success and Challenges Journal practice and template (phase three)

Your vision Board of Prosperity

Even more, YouTube guided meditations recommendations

Keep eating fresh foods and take your daily walks…

Module 6: Questions and Answers

Day twelve training will go as follows (1st and 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 pm EST):

In this live training module, participants will ask individual questions that can help themselves or others on this journey. You will have the opportunity to write and send in your questions in advance or ask them live during the session. Participants will then have 20 days by themselves to apply what they have learned, use their tools, and practice being their new selves. As a bonus, during this 20-day phase, each participant can schedule a 45 minute ‘’Check-in Support Call’’ with me.

Module 7: Post-Operation and Maintenance Plan

After having completed the 30 Day Behavior Change Method, participants will have one final training session to celebrate and prepare for the next steps.

Day thirty-six training will cover the following questions: 

How can reintroduce a behavior without complete sabotage?  How can I identify my trigger points? What are the positive and negative effects of removing this behavior in my life? What are the life long lessons learned during this process? How can I keep using this material? What do I do now that the program is done?

Tools and exercises for day thirty-six:

A Success and Challenges Journal practice and template (phase three)

The Behavior Reintroduction Method exercise

***Price: 97$ USD***