For Reasons Unknown… The Clear Sky Meditation Center

When life brings us places, who are we to judge the why’s. Get on, learn, choose and live! While this might sound easy enough, we can never forget than most of us were bred to be who we are.

Being born for something may have been for the lucky ones. In many cases, your calling in life may have been erased or forgotten many decades ago. But, when the body physically expresses its frustration with the psych, it is time to listen.

At a time in my life where I had more questions than answers and a general sense of responsibility overload, something seemed to guide me to Clear Sky Center.

At age 39, my medium-aged self was screaming for isolation time. Some time to find Me, and to process my stuff! Apparently, a private cabin and a little individuation were all I needed to truly understand the meaning of, ‘’It is easier with others’’!

I was on a mission to find myself. A one-man expedition with a one-way plane ticket. With no people to latch onto and no vehicle to escape the fear of ‘’moi’’, it felt good to count on me!

How can you identify your social addictions, if you never spend time alone in your head?

When you step back and remove certain behavior patterns of daily life, one can begin to analyze the reasons for, and the effects of these obnoxious habitual cycles.

Time invested in this process of redefining your reality will have a profound effect on you, and quite possibly, on all your future relationships.

Clear Sky has absolutely given me what I needed. And, for once, not only what I (Ego) wanted. The staff and fellow community members are people who genuinely care for your wellbeing and the wellbeing of all things. One can not find evil in that?

Let their eyes speak to you.

They do not project judgment on your past, present or future. They live in the present and want to know who YOU are at this moment.

I personally experienced complete relief of daily stress, anxiety, and guilt after only four days. Life has never been the same since.

I now know that this state of bliss is possible. Once you believe it, it is much easier to visualize it and get back to it when needed.

The world around you may never feel, taste or sound the same again. You may find yourself truly accepting all people and all choices for what they are!

My time spent at Clear Sky in my private cabin and with others taught me to :

remain patient, speak less, manage stress, listen, respect, understand, have compassion, relax, accept, calm down, slow down, eat healthy, exercise, think, walk, breath, interact, share, communicate, learn, question, sleep, observe, dream, stretch, laugh, participate, help, encourage, heal, look, smell, hear, touch, taste and grow.

I now know, that these words now represent the way I want to live, and now aspire to live by. Who would not love to live in this world?

What may have felt like a miracle at first, has established itself as a powerful process of realization and introspection.

Clear Sky offers you a different way to see things and unveil the reality of the tree of life. 

Your future is yours, the time spent here learning and practicing can never be erased. You find yourself with new knowledge and a strange new perspective of reality.

Only when truly alone can you be held completely responsible for your choices. I now strongly believe that, for who does not choose, still has made a choice!  

If things do not feel good yet, here is some bonus action for the hesitant ones! This testimonial would not be complete if I neglected to mention the physical health benefits of Clear Sky center.

This all-natural physical health package is unmatched. No diet or gym can do this to you in 6 days! The mental and physical selves are only parts of one organism, and both must be functional to grow.

Only two things are necessary to start your healing process:

Time (make it!);

Guidance (take it!);  

As I overly stated during my retreat time, ‘’this place does not hurt’’! Period.

Finding your true self may not be an easy process. But, let me assure you, that it is much easier than repeatedly banging your head against the wall and going back to your regular established patterns.

Break free, and choose better. Make the choice, accept the challenge and book your flight.

At Clear Sky, you can start creating new patterns, with healthy, productive, and natural habits. Fix yourself and others may magically fix themselves soon after…

Having given myself some time to process Me, has absolutely redirected my life and inspired its future possibilities.  

Change the way you look at people, and people will change the way they look at you!

Marc Lepage

Change & Personal Growth Coaching

Marc Lepage - Freedom Finder
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